The Road to Miss America – Miss New York Camille Sims
The next contestant to be featured in our series, “The Road to Miss America,” is Miss New York, Camille Sims.
Age: 23
Hometown: Ithaca, New York
Platform Issue: Encouraging Wellness and Fostering Food Justice
Talent: Jazz Vocal
Education: Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Development from Cornell University
Scholastic Ambition: Obtain a Masters Degree in Human Rights and a Ph.D. in Human Development
Scholastic Honors: Four year recipient of the Meinig National Merit Scholarship; Recipient of the Carol Winter Mund Human Ecology Scholarship;Top 5 Speaker of the Elise Van Buren Rice Awards in Oral Communication of Human Ecology Research
Greatest Non-Academic Achievement: Wrote and produced two albums
My Most Significant Life Event: Moving to New York on my own at 18 and having to make my own path was the most significant event in my life. I learned so much about myself and what I want out of life.
Camille works in the non-profit sector with an emphasis on social justice. The communities she has worked with include low-income and racial/ethnic minorities in Brazil, Ecuador, Turkey, communities in inner city Atlanta and throughout Tompkins County, NY. Since 2008, she works on Youth Organizing Racial Justice, and Food Justice frameworks with pedagogy in experiential learning and cultural competency. Her interests are nutrition and exposing the diversity and inequality within our food system. She serves on the Tompkins County Food Policy Council as a Food Justice chair. As a Melungeon, she is dedicated to bringing awareness to under-represented people’s struggles and needs.