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The Road to Miss New Jersey – Miss Ramapo Valley – Jessica Indio

As we continue our “Road to Miss New Jersey” series, our next contestant is Miss Ramapo Valley, Jessica Indio.

Please tell us why you chose to compete for your local county’s title?
The Miss New Jersey Organization offers many titles, some of which are considered “open.” This kind of operation allows contestants of any residence in New Jersey to have the opportunity to hold a title no matter the county they reside in. I was granted the access to sign up for the Miss Ramapo Valley pageant and was met with success in winning the crown that allowed me to represent this title. I am thankful for this title and those like it that further extend the opportunity for young women throughout New Jersey to gain entrance into the Miss New Jersey state competition and create more opportunities to engage in different communities.

What do you plan to accomplish if you were to win the title of Miss NJ 2016?
Being given the honor of accepting the role as Miss New Jersey a large part of what my outreach would entail would be further advocating this organization’s benefits that not only include the scholastic support it provides but as well as the personal growth a young woman can experience in being a participant in the Miss America Organization. I believe it is important to administer continued support of those growing through the system with the Outstanding Teen pageants and welcoming new faces to the Miss New Jersey hopefuls. Being a part of this journey has enabled me to better address and overcome struggles with low self esteem while transforming myself into an individual that can inspire others. I would love to take the opportunity as Miss New Jersey to show others like me that they have absolutely every right to be proud of who they are. That they can find that through their education, taking on volunteer opportunities and just generally learning to love themselves they can have a greater impact on not only on themselves but the ability to spread that goodwill to their communities.

Share with our readers a bit more about you platform and why you picked this particular one.
The platform I have chosen to move forward with is Dress for Success, an organization that enables women coming from distressed or lesser economic situations by providing professional attire and support. A few semesters ago I was able to become a part of the executive board of my institution’s new women empowerment club and in doing so I was able to discover the many difficulties women face in society. A particular group that stood out were those women attempting to rebuild their lives and careers but lacking the basic amenities such as an office appropriate outfit to even gain an interview. I can say many of my fellow titleholders take pride in the presentation of their interview attire and carry a confidence that far exceeds that which clothing grants and so I wanted to ensure that other women were given the opportunity to feel just as confident as any of our queens. In knowing her outfit is professional it can elevate her confidence to let future employers know she is a woman equipped for the job ahead. The outfit does not have to make the woman but clothing is the skin we choose to live in and we should all feel beautiful and confidant living in that skin.

“Bravura” is an artistic word for exceptional; in your own words, tell us what makes you ‘bravura’!
I am a firm believer in everyone unlocking their potential should they give themselves the chance to do so. I have been able to grow leaps and bounds from my former self that had been too afraid to put herself in the spotlight and try something new and gratifying. Along this journey I recognized I enjoy helping others find the same gratification that comes with realizing one’s own potential to succeed. As author Susan Cain puts its, “Everyone shines, given the right lighting.” No matter the lime lights of center stage or the more subdued setting of a lamp by a work desk, we all have the ability to shine in our talents. I am thankful in discovering that the best version of myself could be true to who I am and I love letting others discover their lights that ignite their own true selves.

To purchase tickets for the upcoming Miss New Jersey pageant, please visit THIS LINK.