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It's Clutch Time!

August 22, 2011 // 0 Comments

Did you know that the idea of the clutch bag/purse was established during the Victorian Era? And the only reason women of [...]

Shutter Bug

June 1, 2011 // 0 Comments

A picture is worth a thousand words. Sure we have all heard of that phrase, but how many of us really live by it? That’s [...]

Editor's June Picks

June 1, 2011 // 0 Comments

June is the official kick-off for summer…at least in my books. The weather is hot enough to break out those cute, [...]

For Your Eyes Only

June 27, 1984 // 0 Comments

Sure, For Your Eyes Only, was a very popular Bond movie released in the 80’s. But it’s also what a lot of people [...]
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