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Happy 8th Birthday to Us!

Here is to wishing Bravura Magazine a very #HappyBirthday and many more to come! Eight years ago I had the idea to create something new. Something different. Something which I could call my own.

And with that came #BravuraMagazine – and I couldn’t be more proud! I would like to give a SPECIAL “thank you” to everyone who has been so supportive of my endeavors with Bravura Magazine.

Firstly my parents, for whom none of this would have been possible. Secondly to Ajay Dani who created the fabulous logo for Bravura Magazine, and all the other crafty needs I have had with the magazine. Thirdly to Tamiz U. Rezvi who has always made me see the more creative side of what it is I’m doing and take ownership for my ideas. And fourth, Rafael D. Ortiz of InFocus Film Works, who had assisted me with ALL of my video needs from the very start. To be very honest, there are so many people to thank, and then this post would go on forever!

I remember the first time I sat down to start this; I had no idea what I was doing, or where anything was headed. And before I knew it, I was sitting besides popular names in the industry such as Nigel Barker and Priyanka Chopra, for intimate interviews and so much more! From covering location Fashion Week events, to those on an international level as well…I really never thought the possibilities could be like this.

I am so proud of everyone who has helped me to achieve the success behind #BravuraMagazine. We’re not just a publication, but a lifestyle as well! Here are to many more years of #BravuraMagazine!

Happy Birthday Bravura!!